后弦 - 闻鸡起舞 (2008)
作词, 作曲:后弦
做不做大英雄 怀不怀志无穷
有没有十年功 我在心中养条龙
参不参色即空 听不听鬼谷说
借不借诸葛梦 耍剑的前辈在唤风
丹田上种古国 经络中写孟孔
飞腿下翻云涌 仰天长啸的祖宗
九千个李小龙 十万个黄飞鸿
他们动员着 我们放开做
(*) 不用功怎么救年少 谁听过霸王的咆哮
埋藏的骄 筋骨在呼啸 闻鸡起舞 威风在燃烧
不用功怎么称天骄 谁见过至尊的微笑
风强浪越高 精神当火药 我们拿奋起犒劳
Repeat all 1x, Repeat (*) 1x
Hou Xian - dance as the cock crows*
Lyric, music : Hou Xian
to become a great hero or not, to preserve the infinite will or not
to practice ten years or not, my heart keeps the dragon inside
whether everything visible is empty or not , to listen Guigu's wisdom or not
whether zhuge's dream right or wrong, the predecessor's swordplayings calling the winds
mencius is written on the meridian at the pubic region since ancient civilization
with a wings under the leg, turns the rushing clouds, face upwards and long loud cries of the ancestors
nine thousands of bruce lee and a million Huang Feihong
they started the mobilization, but we give up not to do
(*) if not dilligent, how to save young generations, who ever heard the overlord roars
pride bones buried in the roars, be a self-starter, the power is burning
if not dilligent, how come to be called as heroes, who ever seen a supreme smile
in the strong wing and strom, be more spiritful like the gunpowder, we could get up and take the reward
Repeat all 1x, Repeat (*) 1x
Notes :
* 闻鸡起舞 this is Chinese idioms, literally means :
- during historical wartime: "get up and do (sword) practice upon hearing the roosters (crow)"
- "be a go getter; be a self-starter"
- "only continuous efforts, we can be successful"
* 鬼谷 is referred to Guiguzi, an ancient Chinese philosopher
* 空既是色, 色既是空 is a part of wisdom from Prajnaparamita Sutta. Literally could be referred as "reality means nothing" or "Everything visible is empty". Sometimes, in common words, 色 often referred as 'lust'
* 丹田上, a taoist term
* m(_ _)m sorry if you find the translation is rather sucked up. I'm amateur only. Tell me if you got better one.
* Credit to: http://musichain.livejournal.com/2633.html
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