作詞:左迅 作曲:Яyo
うつろな目 流し目で小さく頬笑む
その時のその君の 合図を僕は見逃した
どうか あの日に戻りたい
後でその訳を知り 記憶が途絶える
それはずっと消えない ずっと苦しめ今年も桜は散って逝く ♥
sakura mau odoru yure ru mai chiru
haru ga kite kokoro kishin demasu
ano tokino koto wo ima demo kinou noyouni oboe teimasu
kagami koshi ni utsutta kun wo mitsu meru boku wo
utsurona me nagashi mede chiisa ku hohoemu
sono tokino sono kun no aizu wo bokuha minogashi ta
hiniku nimo garasu ha kudake chiru ...
same ta kao de nemuru kun
( gomenne ) kun no hoo ni namida ga ...
goku mado kara nozoku sakura no hanabira ga
kun no egao to atatamo riwo tsure te
afure ru namida toma ranai
douka ano nichi ni modori tai
kun no koe ga mimi ni ira nakute
atode sono wake wo shiri kioku ga todae ru
nando mo nando mo gen ita (...)
kun no kokoro wo yomikaeshi teha
tsumi no omosa wo shiru ... kun no inochi keshi tanoha boku
sakura shoku ni soma ru yuugure no hizashi ga ...
kokode iki ru koto ga boku heno batsu de
kun heno ( koe ) ha nari toma nai
douka todoi te kudasai ...
kun tono toshitsuki ga omoku tsuraku noshikakaru
sorehazutto kie nai zutto kurushi me konnen mo sakura ha chitte iku ♥
Prison Window
The sakura dance, dancing, swaying, scattering and dancing
As spring comes, my heart wants to return home
I still remember it as if it was just yesterday
As I see at your reflection through the mirror
You smile a little, with eyes, teary eyes
Your signs from that time that I overlooked
Also ironically is smashed up in the glass
You were sleeping with a cold face
"I'm sorry" tears on your cheek
The sakura petals from the prison windows
Taken your smile and warmth, won't stop the overflowing tears
I want to return to that day
I don't hear your voice and
After when I know the reason the memory comes to an end
Countless countless times it was murmured 【…】
Reading your heart over is knowing the heavy weight of my sin... the one who erased your life, was me the sunlight painted in sakura-color....
Living here is my punishment
And my "voice" to you will not stop crying
Please somehow reach it ...
The months and years I spent with you burden heavily and painfully on my mind
That will never disappear I'll always suffer
This year also, the sakura scatter.... ♥
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