周传雄 - 弱水三千 (2007)
飘荡的人未眠 心在寂静的夜半陌生地点
谁来陪 拥着满载记忆过多的疲倦 重复着思念
无聊的下雨天 今夜挫败星星更加明显
怎么会温柔体贴 换来绝望的体验 无语也无言
化成夜模糊我的视线 失去爱生命最苦的那天
无法分辨为何无法永远 万般可怜只因一相情愿
化成夜缓缓升起的夜 有了爱生命才必亏欠
弱水三千等到你的出现 坚信月圆盼着你的明天
Steve Chou - Three Thousand Weak Water
Wandering sleepless people, a half strange heart in the middle of quiet night
who will accompany them, holding too many memories and tired off to keep thinking on about it
boring rainy nights, tonight the stars also refuse to twinkle
how could suppose to be warm, change into a despair, in silent and speechless
blurry my eyes in that night, the saddest day i lost love of my life
there's no answer why it cant last forever, truly pitiful because this is the only wish
the night is getting higher, in fact i owe to the love of my life
Three thousand weak water, waiting for you to appear, waiting for your full moon tomorrow
Note :
Sorry for the English, kinda hard to translate it. Most of Steve Chou's songs are good in the music/rhythm, but the lyrics are way too stressful ...
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