SIGMA - 後男友 (2010)
actually he looks like bit of no good
the weekly gossip is more exciting
你却宁愿相信 他身家清白
you decided to believe he's sincere
to be honest i'm really not good
when i saw you was hurt
我知道我不该 但我却偷偷在愉快
i knew i shouldn't but i was happy secretly
不值得你去爱 请早日看开
he's unworthy to love, please realize it sooner
没资格给你爱情 不要对他再有期待
he's not eligible to get your love, don't look for him anymore
(*) 能不能赶快接受我的爱
could you accept my love sooner
the love i would give you
喔 一定比你那前男友更加厉害
oh, it will be way better than your ex'
now accompany me to the future
the future we're heading to is surely pretty good
我这后男友 早就在stand by
i'm your next boyfriend, stand by already here
i'm imagining i'm standing on a stage
in the crowd you cheer for me
你说这种幸福 会不会过 high
would you say this kind of happiness will be too high
yesterday it was really strange
i dream about our child
you smiled and hugged her
kissed her cute forehead
我值得你来爱 是有机的菜
i deserve your love, i have some abilities
qualified to give you love
let me show you what kind of love is that
go to (*)
我这后男友 要火力全开
i'm your next boyfriend, will give my best
你准备睡了吗 你在看电视吗
are you geting ready to sleep, or are watching tv
你网路好了吗 你等等会上线吗
have you done browsing, or are browsing the internet
怎麽办 我好慌 传简讯 打电话
what to do, i'm so nervous, to text you, or call you
我想问 好想问 做你的后男友好吗
i want to ask, really want to ask, if could be your next boyfriend
你故意装傻吗 你在耍心机吗
are you deliberately acting fool, are you joking
你离线等我吗 你在等我自首吗
are you waiting me to offline, are you waiting me to surrender
怎麽办 我好慌 等一下 等几下
what to do, i'm so nervouse, wait, wait a while
我想问 好想问 做你的后男友好吗
i want to ask, really want to ask, if could be your next boyfriend
Note :
The music is good, pop, not wonder. Light and simple, ... and smile :D
Sorry if English translation contains error ... Kindly please tell me the revision if you have one.
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