乔任梁 - 阴天气球 (2010)
qiao ren liang - cloudy day ballooon
作词:易家扬 / 作曲:黄义达
lyric : yi jiayang / music : huang yida
下雨前的风灰色的天空 我想跟未来赌咒永远有多久
the grey sky of falling rain, i want to bet with the future on how long 'forever' will take
那爱情的气候它翻滚在心中 这世界就是这样梦来了又走
that love atmosphere is wallowing in the heart, this world is like the dreams that come and go
深蓝色的地球橙黄色的月球 请看这安静宇宙像水晶球
the deep blue colored earth and yellowish moon, please see this universe as a crystal ball
(*) 阴天又是谁把气球放走放走 让微风将一切签收
cloudy days, who again letting go the balloon, letting it go so the breeze gives signs to all
那看着无言的天空却是我 把往事定格几秒钟
the one who staring at the silent sky is me, and pausing past memories for seconds
这一朵花多重那一本书多皱 在一个世纪以后会剩下什么
these flowers are meaningful, that book is worn out, after a century, what will be left after
这害人的自由那骗人的路口 这一路铺上寂寞灰尘有多厚
a reason of harming others, an intersection for liars, this path which covered by lonely dusts
阴天我何必抓住什么 阴天我应该抓住什么 阴天
in cloudy days why should i try to seize something, in cloudy days what should i seize, cloudy days
Repeat (*)
看呀看的天空快要下雨了 听呀听的那些云呀正在飞走
look at the sky, its about to rain now, hear the clouds are flying away
忘不掉的那些事情挂在天空 我应该抓住什么
for things cant be forgotten, hang them on the sky, what should i seize
看呀看的天空中的小气球 黑的红的蓝的白的正在飞走
look at the sky where there are little balloons, black, red, blue, white, all are flying away
爱的恨的好的坏的那一些梦, 我何必抓住什么 我能够抓住什么
those dreams, love, hatred, good, bad, why should i try to seize something, what should i seize
Note :
Okay, word-by-word translating is pretty easy but when it comes to the whole sentences / grammars, I failed.
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