客栈外青石板街 你面带微怯
胭脂掩不住别怨 问重逢何年
连夜手书的诗卷 写满了缘字诀
卷尾噙泪的思念 托付长长那岁月
丝路远驼铃摇曳 忆邂逅当年
半遮面浅笑擦肩 你惊鸿一瞥
庭前赋雪那少年 叹才学轻浅
此情流转已忘年 别后相思寄鸿雁
心似漫天阳关雪 等待把时间捻碎
月阴月晴抬望眼 同是我真心皎洁
心似无边阳关雪 关山万重惹愁眉
莫问此去几时归 几转花谢花又飞
独枕寒宵阳关雪 思念在帘外纷飞
残月乌啼写结尾 苍白了几度轮回
饮泣萧萧阳关雪 情到浓处墨不褪
爱的断句那么美 谁会忍心怨着谁
green flagstone outside the street of the inn
your face shows a bit of timid
the rouge unable to conceal the depart's resentment
asking what year to be reunited
night after night had wrote a volume of poetry
composing filled up edging a farewell character
end of the volume holding in the missing tears
entrust handling over to these long years
(*) distant silk road the camel bell's swaying
memories of the chance encounter in those years
half covered smiling face, brush past the shoulder
you shy with a great glimpse
(**) courtyard surrounded snow in front that young man
genty sigh to learn
this feeling has been roamed over the forgotten years
leaving behind the lovesickness sends to swan goose
heart is like a boundless sun covers the snow
waiting til time twirl into pieces
cloudy moon clear moon uplifts the hope
the moonlight similarly from my sincerity
heart is like endless sun covers the snow
barricading thousands mountains causing tomorrow's worried
there is none asking this time going when will return
a few flowers turn around, a flower again flies away
(***) alone weeping on a cold night, the sun covers the snow
swirling in the air the missing dwells on
waning moon! the black crow has finished the writing
pale almost to a degree of reincarnation
(****)the mournful weeping the sun covers the snow
heavy feelings reside where ink never fades
unpunctuated love sentence in that beautiful way
who endures who regrets in whose heart
love will melt the heart of the snow
i'll use this lifetime longing for the full moon
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