冯铭潮 feat 张晓晨 - 我想你是真的爱她
Feng Mingchao feat. Zhang Xiaochen - I Believe You Really Love Her
我相信 伤很快就会复原
i believe this wound soon will recover
一个人流泪 可以让两个人依偎
one person is crying to let the two others be together
this kind of ending is also perfect
那一天 你在雨中拥抱她
that day you embraced her under the falling rain
我无意看见 他们传来传去的是非
accidentally i saw it, when they were arguing silly things
i smiled bitterly with a heart broken
(*) 我想你是真的爱她
I think you really love her
不然你不会 担心害怕
otherwise you won't be worry and fear
do not bother any cost
只要你答应 带她去天涯
as long as you promise will accompany her til the end
(**) 我想你是真的爱她
I think you really love her
才会在深夜 为她牵挂
therefore in the middle of the night would worry about her
do not need any statement of commitment
想在下一秒 把幸福交给她
in the next second you want to sent all happiness to her
我承认 没有所谓的完美
I admit I'm not that perfect
爱全凭感觉 但我还是无法面对
love is depends on a feeling, but I don't know how to face it
to share that feeling to someone
我曾经 想象两人的世界
I thought our world
是那么纯粹 当发现你也为她陶醉
were very sincere, when I found out you were crazy for her
that moment I felt broken
Repeat (*), (**)
I believe we don't want to make things hard for her
I'm starting to have a thought of withdrawing
让我甘愿踩着成全的步伐 喔....
let me willingly make my best step to move away, oh~
Repeat (*) , (**)
你真的爱她 就替我保护她
If you really love her, protect her for me.
Note :
This rather easy to translate, thou surely some mistakes might occured as I'm merely an amateur...
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