胡歌 - 骑单车的日子
歌曲:地与天 专辑:出发 (2006)
a fluttering wind, surrounding clouds, and a newspaper on the floor
cant sleep, there's something knocking my heart
put on the cloth, lock the door, tear the knee cream
安逸的街道激起跳动的细胞 woo~~~
a comfortable road arrouse the cells to pulse
(*) 你说骑单车的日子呀 喜欢轻轻哼唱着歌谣
you said the days riding on a bicycle when singing songs lightly
喜欢对自己灿烂微笑 享受的每一秒
love to smile brightly to yourself, enjoy every second
纯纯味道难忘这逍遥 骑着单车逃离困扰把梦寻找
the unforgettable innocent taste, happily escaping from routines
你说骑单车的日子呀 喜欢轻轻哼唱着歌谣
you said the days riding on a bicycle when singing songs lightly
喜欢对晴空灿烂微笑 烦恼全部忘掉
love to smile brightly to the sky, throw away all the worries
樱花路上尽情的翱翔 我们还有曙光
flying, enjoying the cherries along the way, we still have a dawn
put on the cloth, lock the door, tear the knee cream
安逸的街道激起跳动的细胞 woo~~~
a comfortable road arrouse the cells to pulse wooo~~~
back to (*)
樱花路上尽情的翱翔 我们把烦恼全都忘掉
flying, enjoying the cherries along the way, we still have a dawn
Note :
Haisz ... its hard to translate Chinese~
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