胡彦斌-诀别 诗 (OST. 少年杨家将 2006)
出鞘 剑 杀气 荡
风 起 无 月 的 战场
千军万马 独身 闯
一身是胆 好 儿郎
儿女 情
前世 帐
你 的 笑 活着 怎么 忘
美人 泪 断 人 肠
这 能 取 人 性命 是 胭脂 烫
绝 别 诗
两三 行
写 在 三月 春雨 的 路上
若 还能 打着伞 走 在 你 的 身旁
绝 别 诗
两三 行
谁来 我 黄泉 路上 唱
若 我 能 死 在 你 身旁
也 不枉 来 人世 走 这趟
chu qiao jian sha qi dang
feng qi wu yue de zhan chang
qian jun wan ma du shen chuang
yi shen shi dan hao er lang
er nu qing
qian shi zhang
ni de xiao huo zhe zen me wang
mei ren lei duan ren chang
zhe neng qu ren xing ming shi yan zhi tang
jue bie shi
liang san hang
xie zai san yue chun yu de lu shang
ruo hai neng da zhe san zou zai ni de shen pang
jue bie shi
liang san hang
shei lai wo huang quan lu shang chang
ruo wo neng si zai ni shen pang
ye bu wang lai ren shi zou zhe tang
Sword out it's sheath fills the air with death
Wind blows on this moon-less battle ground
[I] brave the dangers alone
A good man full of courage
Romantic Love
[is] Past life's debt
[I] can never forget your smile while [I'm] alive
Beautiful woman's tear breaks people's heart
What kills people is this [woman's] burning blush!
Forever farewell poem
Two, three lines
[I] wrote it on the street in a March spring shower
If only I still could hold the umbrella and walk beside you
Forever farewell poem
Two, three lines
Who would sing (cry) for my death?
If I could die beside you
Then it's worth to have lived ♥
Note :
- All Source from Wiki Song
- He's extremely good at singing this kind of song.~~~♥
- The drama itself, like every drama- always tragic T_T
May be history was always like that ...
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